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Installer carte graphique NVIDIA sous Fedora 5
Envoyé par: black_syphilis

Bonjour à tous,

bon voila je suis novice en ce qui concerne linux, a chaque fois je galere a installer quelque chose (la semaine derniere 6H pour installer le Wi-Fi!) et aujourd'hui ca concerne ma carte graphique.

Je suis sous Fedora core 5 avec le kernel 2.6.18-1.2200.fc5, j'ai une carte graphique NVIDIA FX 5200 donc j'ai telechargé les pilotes "NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-8174-pkg1.run" donc tous ca c'est pas difficile ...
Ensuite j'ai regardé dans les tutorials pour les installer:

_init 3
_sh /home/.....

et en faite au debut de l'installation il y a un message d'erreur

"Error : Unable to find kernel source tree for the currently running kernel. Please make sure you have installed the kernel source files for tour kernel and that they are properly configured; on Red Hat Linux systems, for exemple, be sure you have the kernel-source RPM installed. If you know the correct kernel source files are installed. You may specify the kernel source path with the 'kernel-source-paht' command line option."

pour terminé l'installation échoue, alors que faire apres cela, pourtant j'ai la bonne mise a jour du kernel donc de quoi me parle t'il?

Merci d'avance.

Poste le Friday 27 October 2006 23:46:12
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Re: Installer carte graphique nVidia sous Fedora 5
Envoyé par: nicola

Le dernier pilote 8776 ne marche pas avec une Geforce 5200 ?
Il te faut les en-têtes du noyau utilisé (kernel-headers).

On ne prête qu’aux riches, et on a bien raison, parce que les autres remboursent difficilement.
-+- Tristan Bernard (1866-1947) -+-

Poste le Saturday 28 October 2006 07:24:43
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Re: Installer carte graphique nVidia sous Fedora 5
Envoyé par: Black syphilis

j'ai pas compris grand chose je ne sais pas si les deniers pilotes marche j'ai trouver ceux la sur le site de nvidia, et ensuite qu'est ce que les kernel-headers? comment il faut faire pour les installer?!


Poste le Saturday 28 October 2006 09:44:54
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Re: Installer carte graphique nVidia sous Fedora 5
Envoyé par: nicola

Cherche le dernier pilote, il y a un lien vers des notes de publication (release notes) qui dit les cartes supportées par ledit pilote. Note que les versions su pilote inférieures à 8776 sont violemment boguées (faille de sécurité).
Pour installer les en-têtes qui vont bien, cherche dans ton gestionnaire de paquets une chaîne contenant le résultat de uname -r.

On ne prête qu’aux riches, et on a bien raison, parce que les autres remboursent difficilement.
-+- Tristan Bernard (1866-1947) -+-

Poste le Saturday 28 October 2006 12:02:23
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Re: Installer carte graphique nVidia sous Fedora 5
Envoyé par: Black syphilis

Désolé de mon incompétence mais ou je peux trouver mon gestionnaire de paquet?
et je n'arrive pas a trouver les pilotes pour ma Fx5200 supérieur à 8776, si tu as un lien ca m'aiderai beaucoup. Pour le telechargement je ne peux pas utisier la comande "yum" car celle ci ne fonctionne pas n'importe ce que je tape (commande valide bien sur) ca m'affiche toujours la meme chose: exemple avec yum install amsn

[root@localhost romain]# yum install amsn
Loading "installonlyn" plugin
Setting up Install Process
Setting up repositories
atrpms [1/8]
atrpms 100% |=========================| 951 B 00:00
jpackage-generic [2/8]
jpackage-generic 100% |=========================| 951 B 00:00
livna [3/8]
livna 100% |=========================| 951 B 00:00
flash [4/8]
flash 100% |=========================| 951 B 00:00
jpackage-fedora [5/8]
jpackage-fedora 100% |=========================| 951 B 00:00
core [6/8]
core 100% |=========================| 1.1 kB 00:00
extras [7/8]
extras 100% |=========================| 1.1 kB 00:00
updates [8/8]
updates 100% |=========================| 1.2 kB 00:00
Reading repository metadata in from local files
primary.xml.gz 100% |=========================| 1.6 MB 00:11
extras : ################################################## 5512/5512
Added 147 new packages, deleted 132 old in 13.35 seconds
Parsing package install arguments
Nothing to do

[à noter que "yum update" marche correctement]

Si tu as un solution a ca aussi je t'en serai fort gré!

Poste le Saturday 28 October 2006 20:30:17
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Re: Installer carte graphique nVidia sous Fedora 5
Envoyé par: nicola

yum search et man yum ne marchent pas ?

On ne prête qu’aux riches, et on a bien raison, parce que les autres remboursent difficilement.
-+- Tristan Bernard (1866-1947) -+-

Poste le Saturday 28 October 2006 23:16:09
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Re: Installer carte graphique nVidia sous Fedora 5
Envoyé par: Black syphilis

Ben yum search ca marche et man yum ca a l'air de marcher sinon rien avec yum isntall toujours le meme message.

Poste le Sunday 29 October 2006 00:17:00
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Re: Installer carte graphique nVidia sous Fedora 5
Envoyé par: nicola

yum search headers ne marche pas ?
Tu n’as pas compris pourquoi je t’ai proposé ces deux commandes, surtout la deuxième ?

On ne prête qu’aux riches, et on a bien raison, parce que les autres remboursent difficilement.
-+- Tristan Bernard (1866-1947) -+-

Poste le Sunday 29 October 2006 06:59:21
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Re: Installer carte graphique NVIDIA sous Fedora 5
Envoyé par: Black syphilis

J'ai executé la commande "yum search headers" ca m'a affiché plein de paquet, est ce que ces derniers ce sont installé? enfin non question bete euh .. il y a plein de paquet affiché lequel je dois isntaller ? (attention la liste est longue!). Je pense que le dernier paquet a l'air d'etre le bon enfin je sais pas sit moi, MERCI ! ! !

Development headers and libraries for GNU Pth
Development headers and libraries for GNU Pth.

pygame-devel.i386 1.7.1-7.fc5 extras
Matched from:
This package contains headers required to build applications that use

python-ogg-devel.i386 1.3-2.fc5 extras
Matched from:
This package contains headers and libraries required to build applications that
use the python-ogg, a python wrapper for the Ogg libraries.

xpa-devel.i386 2.1.6-5.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Headers for developing programs that will use xpa

glibmm24-devel.i386 2.8.9-1 extras
Matched from:
Headers for developing programs that will use glibmm24

gcompris-devel.i386 7.4-13.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Development libraries and headers for gcompris-lib

plotmm-devel.i386 0.1.2-4.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Headers for developing programs that will use plotmm
This package contains the headers that programmers will
need to develop applications which will use plotmm.

python-ogg-devel.i386 1.3-3.fc5 extras
Matched from:
This package contains headers and libraries required to build applications that
use the python-ogg, a python wrapper for the Ogg libraries.

osgal-devel.i386 20060714-2.fc5 extras
Matched from:
This package contains headers and libraries required to build applications
that use osgAL.

gtkmm24-devel.i386 2.8.8-1.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Headers for developing programs that will use gtkmm24.

osgcal-devel.i386 0.1.40-3.fc5 extras
Matched from:
This package contains headers and libraries required to build applications that
use osgCal.

tcldom-devel.i386 3.1-4.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Development headers and libraries needed to link new applications against

tcldom-devel.i386 3.1-5.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Development headers and libraries needed to link new applications against

tile-devel.i386 0.7.2-4.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Development libraries and headers for building against tile
Development libraries and headers for building against tile.

uuid-c++-devel.i386 1.4.2-4.fc5 extras
Matched from:
C++ development headers and libraries for OSSP uuid.

uuid-dce-devel.i386 1.4.2-4.fc5 extras
Matched from:
DCE development headers and libraries for OSSP uuid.

uuid-devel.i386 1.4.2-4.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Development headers and libraries for OSSP uuid.

CCfits-devel.i386 1.5-1.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Headers for developing programs that will use CCfits

libsexymm-devel.i386 0.1.7-3.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Headers for developing programs that will use libsexymm
This package contains the headers that programmers will need to
develop applications which will use libsexymm.

OpenEXR-devel.i386 1.2.2-7.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Headers and libraries for building apps that use OpenEXR
This package contains headers and libraries required to build applications that
use the OpenEXR format.

QuantLib-devel.i386 0.3.11-4.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Static libraries and headers for QuantLib.

adime-devel.i386 2.2.1-3.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Development libraries and headers for adime

akode-devel.i386 2.0-1.fc5.1 extras
Matched from:
Headers for developing programs that will use akode
Headers for developing programs that will use akode.

atlas-3dnow-devel.i386 3.6.0-10.fc5 extras
Matched from:
This package contains headers and static versions of the ATLAS
(Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software) libraries compiled with
optimizations for the 3DNow extensions to the ix86 architecture.

atlas-devel.i386 3.6.0-10.fc5 extras
Matched from:
This package contains the static libraries and headers for development
with ATLAS (Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software).

atlas-sse-devel.i386 3.6.0-10.fc5 extras
Matched from:
This package contains headers and static versions of the ATLAS
(Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software) libraries compiled with
optimizations for the SSE extensions to the ix86 architecture.

atlas-sse2-devel.i386 3.6.0-10.fc5 extras
Matched from:
This package contains headers and static versions of the ATLAS
(Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software) libraries compiled with
optimizations for the SSE2 extensions to the ix86 architecture.

balsa.i386 2.3.12-1.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Balsa is a GNOME email client which supports mbox, maildir, and mh
local mailboxes, and IMAP4 and POP3 remote mailboxes. Email can be
sent via sendmail or SMTP. Optional multithreading support allows for
non-intrusive retrieval and sending of mail. A finished GUI similar to
that of the Eudora email client supports viewing images inline, saving
message parts, viewing headers, adding attachments, moving messages,
and printing messages.

blackbox-devel.i386 0.70.1-4.fc5 extras
Matched from:
This package contains the Blackbox Toolbox files, headers and static library
of the utility class library for writing small applications.

fftw2-devel.i386 2.1.5-12.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Headers, libraries and docs for the FFTW library

foremost.i386 1.1-1.1.20060128.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Foremost recovers files files based on their headers, footers, and internal
data structures. This process is commonly referred to as data carving.
Foremost can work on a raw disk drive or image file generated by dd. The
headers and footers can be specified by a configuration file or you can use
command line switches to specify built-in file types. These built-in types
look at the data structures of a given file format allowing for a more
reliable and faster recovery.

freealut-devel.i386 1.0.0-3.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Development headers and libraries needed for freealut development

gai-devel.i386 0.5.10-6.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Library and headers for Generic Applet Interface

gift-devel.i386 extras
Matched from:
Headers and library files for gift
Headers and library files for gift.

gnet2-devel.i386 2.0.7-6.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Headers and libraries for building apps that use gnet2
This package contains headers and libraries required to build applications that
use GNet 2.

gpsim-devel.i386 0.21.11-6.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Libraries and files headers for gpsim

QuantLib-devel.i386 0.3.13-4.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Static libraries and headers for QuantLib.

gtkmathview-devel.i386 0.7.6-3.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Libraries, headers, and support files needed for using gtkmathview.

hamlib-c++-devel.i386 1.2.4-3.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Hamlib radio control library C++ binding development headers and libraries
Hamlib radio control library C++ binding development headers and libraries
for building C++ applications with Hamlib.

hamlib-devel.i386 1.2.4-3.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Hamlib radio control library C development headers and libraries
for building C applications with Hamlib.

hdf-devel.i386 4.2r1-9.fc5 extras
Matched from:
HDF development headers and libraries.

hdf5-devel.i386 1.6.5-5.fc5 extras
Matched from:
HDF5 development headers and libraries.

hpic-devel.i386 0.52.2-1.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Headers required when building programs against hpic
Headers required when building a program against the hpic library,
as well as a static library.

irssi-devel.i386 0.8.10-4.fc5 extras
Matched from:
This package contains headers needed to develop irssi plugins.

Irssi is a modular IRC client with Perl scripting. Only text-mode
frontend is currently supported. The GTK/GNOME frontend is no longer
being maintained.

libglademm24-devel.i386 2.6.2-1 extras
Matched from:
Headers for developing programs that will use libglademm.
This package contains the headers that programmers will need to
develop applications which will use libglademm, part of GTKmm, the C++
interface to the GTK+.

libifp-devel.i386 extras
Matched from:
Headers and libraries for developing with libifp
This package contains headers and libraries for developing apps that use

libksba-devel.i386 0.9.13-2.fc5.2 extras
Matched from:
Development headers and libraries for libksba
Development headers and libraries for libksba.

libmcrypt-devel.i386 2.5.7-3.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Development libraries and headers for libmcrypt
Development libraries and headers for use in building applications that
use libmcrypt.

libol-devel.i386 0.3.16-2.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Support library for syslog-ng: headers and libraries
Support library for syslog-ng: headers and libraries.

k3d-devel.i386 extras
Matched from:
Headers for rendering models written by K-3D

libxml++-devel.i386 2.12.0-2.1.fc5 extras
Matched from:
This package contains the headers and libraries for libxml++ development.

linphone-devel.i386 1.2.0-4.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Libraries and headers required to develop software with linphone.

openmpi-devel.i386 1.0.1-1.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Contains development headers and libraries for openmpi

openslp-devel.i386 1.2.1-4.fc5.2 extras
Matched from:
OpenSLP headers and libraries

ortp-devel.i386 0.8.1-2.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Libraries and headers required to develop software with ortp.

physfs-devel.i386 1.0.1-4.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Development libraries and headers for physfs
This package contains the libraries and headers necessary for developing
packages with physfs functionality.

fftw-devel.i386 3.1-4.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Headers, libraries and docs for the FFTW library

sword-devel.i386 1.5.8-7.fc5 extras
Matched from:
This package contains the development headers and libraries for the
sword API. You need this package if you plan on compiling software
that uses the sword API, such as Gnomesword or Bibletime.

syck-devel.i386 0.55-7.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Static libraries and headers for developing with Syck

udunits-devel.i386 1.12.4-10.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Headers and libraries for udunits

xfce4-panel-devel.i386 4.2.3-3.fc5 extras
Matched from:
developpment headers for xfce4-panel

itcl-devel.i386 3.3-0.6.RC1.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Development headers and libraries for linking against itcl
Development headers and libraries for linking against itcl.

tile-devel.i386 0.7.2-3.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Development libraries and headers for building against tile
Development libraries and headers for building against tile.

xbase-devel.i386 2.0.0-5.fc5 extras
Matched from:
XBase development libraries and headers
Headers and libraries for compiling programs that use the XBase library.

xbsql-devel.i386 0.11-6.fc5 extras
Matched from:
XBSQL development libraries and headers
Headers and libraries for compiling programs that use the XBSQL library.

xfce4-panel-devel.i386 4.2.3-4.fc5 extras
Matched from:
developpment headers for xfce4-panel

hamlib-c++-devel.i386 1.2.5-3.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Hamlib radio control library C++ binding development headers and libraries
Hamlib radio control library C++ binding development headers and libraries
for building C++ applications with Hamlib.

hamlib-devel.i386 1.2.5-3.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Hamlib radio control library C development headers and libraries
for building C applications with Hamlib.

libcddb-devel.i386 1.2.2-1.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Libcddb is a library that implements the different protocols (CDDBP,
HTTP, SMTP) to access data on a CDDB server (e.g [freedb.org]).
This package contains development files (static libraries, headers)
for libcddb.

openalpp-devel.i386 20060405-10.fc5 extras
Matched from:
This package contains headers and libraries required to build applications that
use OpenAL++.

keyutils-libs-devel.i386 1.1-4.fc5 extras
Matched from:
This package provides headers and libraries for building key utilities.

xpa-devel.i386 2.1.6-4.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Headers for developing programs that will use xpa

papyrus-devel.i386 0.3.1-2.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Headers for developing programs that will use papyrus

syck-devel.i386 0.55-9.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Static libraries and headers for developing with Syck

conexus-devel.i386 0.4.0-1.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Headers for developing programs that will use conexus

pulseaudio-devel.i386 0.9.5-1.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Headers and libraries for PulseAudio server module development
Headers and libraries for developing modules for the PulseAudio sound server.

pulseaudio-lib-devel.i386 0.9.5-1.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Headers and libraries for PulseAudio client development
Headers and libraries for developing applications that can communicate with
a PulseAudio sound server.

freealut-devel.i386 1.1.0-1.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Development headers and libraries needed for freealut development

ClanLib-devel.i386 0.8.0-0.6.RC2.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Development Libraries and Headers for ClanLib
ClanLib development headers and libraries

pinball-devel.i386 0.3.1-5.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Development Headers and Libraries for Emilia Pinball
Development Headers and Libraries for Emilia Pinball

pstoedit-devel.i386 3.44-2.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Headers for developing programs that will use pstoedit

q-devel.i386 7.4-1.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Headers and static library for developing programs using Q
Headers and static library for developing programs using Q.

dbus-qt-devel.i386 0.61-4.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Libraries and headers for D-BUS
Libraries and headers for D-BUS.

osgcal-devel.i386 0.1.40-2.fc5 extras
Matched from:
This package contains headers and libraries required to build applications that
use osgCal.

inchi-devel.i386 1.0.1-2.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Development headers for InChI library

libksba-devel.i386 0.9.15-2.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Development headers and libraries for libksba
Development headers and libraries for libksba.

dx-devel.i386 4.4.0-5.fc5 extras
Matched from:
OpenDX module development headers and libraries

libsx-devel.i386 2.05-10.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Headers and development libraries for libsx
Libsx (the Simple X library) is a library of code that sits on top of and
to the side of the Athena widget set.

The libsx-devel package contains headers and development libraries
necessary for building programs against libsx.

gcompris-devel.i386 7.4-12.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Development libraries and headers for gcompris-lib

fmio-devel.i386 2.0.8-8.0.fc5 extras
Matched from:
The fmio-devel package contains headers needed
to develop programs that use fmio library.

Install the fmio-devel package if you want to develop applications that
will use the fmio library.

bit-devel.i386 0.2.2-4.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Headers for developing programs that will use bit

xsupplicant-devel.i386 1.2.6-1.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Development libraries and headers for xsupplicant.

clips-devel.i386 6.24-18.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Headers for developing programs that will embed CLIPS

perl-Email-MessageID.noarch 1.35-1.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Message-ids are optional, but highly recommended, headers that identify
a message uniquely. This software generates a unique message-id.

coldet-devel.i386 1.1-3.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Development libraries and headers for coldet

libsx-devel.i386 2.05-9.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Headers and development libraries for libsx
Libsx (the Simple X library) is a library of code that sits on top of and
to the side of the Athena widget set.

The libsx-devel package contains headers and development libraries
necessary for building programs against libsx.

gg2-devel.i386 2.2.9-7.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Headers for libgg2_core library to develop plugins

libcddb-devel.i386 1.2.1-3.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Libcddb is a library that implements the different protocols (CDDBP,
HTTP, SMTP) to access data on a CDDB server (e.g [freedb.org]).
This package contains development files (static libraries, headers)
for libcddb.

glpk-devel.i386 4.11-1.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Development headers and files for GLPK
The glpk-devel package contains libraries and headers for developing
applications which use GLPK (GNU Linear Programming Kit).

ClanLib06-devel.i386 0.6.5-6.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Development Libraries and Headers for ClanLib 0.6
ClanLib 0.6 development headers and libraries

clips-devel.i386 6.24-19.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Headers for developing programs that will embed CLIPS

ClanLib06-devel.i386 0.6.5-5.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Development Libraries and Headers for ClanLib 0.6
ClanLib 0.6 development headers and libraries

inchi-devel.i386 1.0.1-3.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Development headers for InChI library

cairomm-devel.i386 0.6.0-2.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Headers for developing programs that will use cairomm

bitgtkmm-devel.i386 0.2.2-4.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Headers for developing programs that will use bitgtkmm

ufsparse-devel.i386 2.0.0-1.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Development headers and files for UFSparse

plotutils-devel.i386 2.5-2.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Headers for developing programs that will use plotutils

pstoedit-devel.i386 3.44-3.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Headers for developing programs that will use pstoedit

openalpp-devel.i386 20060714-1.fc5 extras
Matched from:
This package contains headers and libraries required to build applications that
use OpenAL++.

gpsim-devel.i386 0.21.11-7.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Libraries and files headers for gpsim

foremost.i386 1.3-0.1.20060826.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Foremost recovers files files based on their headers, footers, and internal
data structures. This process is commonly referred to as data carving.
Foremost can work on a raw disk drive or image file generated by dd. The
headers and footers can be specified by a configuration file or you can use
command line switches to specify built-in file types. These built-in types
look at the data structures of a given file format allowing for a more
reliable and faster recovery.

pygame-devel.i386 1.7.1-9.fc5 extras
Matched from:
This package contains headers required to build applications that use

papyrus-devel.i386 0.5.1-1.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Headers for developing programs that will use papyrus

xsupplicant-devel.i386 1.2.7-3.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Development libraries and headers for xsupplicant.

libgdamm-devel.i386 1.3.7-4.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Headers/Libraries for developing programs that use libgdamm
This package contains headers and libraries that programmers will need
to develop applications which use libgdamm.

xbase-devel.i386 2.0.0-6.fc5 extras
Matched from:
XBase development libraries and headers
Headers and libraries for compiling programs that use the XBase library.

xbsql-devel.i386 0.11-8.fc5 extras
Matched from:
XBSQL development libraries and headers
Headers and libraries for compiling programs that use the XBSQL library.

octave-devel.i386 6:2.9.8-2.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Development headers and files for Octave

libofa-devel.i386 0.9.3-8.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Summary: Development headers and libraries for libofa
Summary: Development headers and libraries for libofa.

kadu-devel.i386 0.5.0-0.8.20060915svn. extras
Matched from:
Development headers for Kadu
Develpoment headers for Kadu.

dx-devel.i386 4.4.4-1.fc5 extras
Matched from:
OpenDX module development headers and libraries

plplot-devel.i386 5.6.1-4.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Development headers and libraries for PLplot
Development headers and libraries for PLplot.

kst-devel.i386 1.3.0-2.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Development libraries and headers for kst
Headers and libraries required when building against kst.

alsa-oss-devel.i386 1.0.11-1.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Headers for ALSA wrapper for OSS

librsync-devel.i386 0.9.7-7.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Headers and development libraries for librsync

perl-Email-MIME.noarch 1.853-1.fc5 extras
Matched from:
This is an extension of the Email:confused smileyimple module, to handle MIME
encoded messages. It takes a message as a string, splits it up
into its constituent parts, and allows you access to various
parts of the message. Headers are decoded from MIME encoding.

fuse-devel.i386 2.5.3-4.fc5 extras
Matched from:
With FUSE it is possible to implement a fully functional filesystem in a
userspace program. This package contains development files (headers,
pgk-config) to develop FUSE based applications/filesystems.

enchant-devel.i386 1:1.3.0-1.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Libraries, headers, and support files necessary to compile applications using libenchant.

poker-eval-devel.i386 133.0-1.fc5 extras
Matched from:
This package contains headers and libraries required to build applications that
use poker-eval.

OpenEXR-devel.i386 1.2.2-8.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Headers and libraries for building apps that use OpenEXR
This package contains headers and libraries required to build applications that
use the OpenEXR format.

libtunepimp-devel.i386 0.5.2-1.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Headers for developing programs that will use libtunepimp
Headers for developing programs that will use libtunepimp.

osgal-devel.i386 20060903-1.fc5 extras
Matched from:
This package contains headers and libraries required to build applications
that use osgAL.

gnome-python2-gda-devel.i386 2.14.0-2.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Headers for developing programs that will use gnome-python2-gda

gnome-python2-gda-devel.i386 2.14.0-1.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Headers for developing programs that will use gnome-python2-gda

libmcrypt-devel.i386 2.5.7-4.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Development libraries and headers for libmcrypt
Development libraries and headers for use in building applications that
use libmcrypt.

octave-devel.i386 6:2.9.9-1.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Development headers and files for Octave

plplot-devel.i386 5.6.1-5.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Development headers and libraries for PLplot
Development headers and libraries for PLplot.

guiloader-devel.i386 2.8.0-2.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Headers for developing programs that will use guiloader

guiloader-c++-devel.i386 2.8.0-2.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Headers for developing programs that will use guiloader-c++

ClanLib-devel.i386 0.8.0-0.7.RC2.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Development Libraries and Headers for ClanLib
ClanLib development headers and libraries

ortp-devel.i386 0.11.0-2.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Libraries and headers required to develop software with ortp.

glibmm24-devel.i386 2.8.12-1 extras
Matched from:
Headers for developing programs that will use glibmm24

perl-Email-Simple.noarch 1.992-1.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Simple parsing of RFC2822 message format and headers

gtkmm24-devel.i386 2.8.9-1.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Headers for developing programs that will use gtkmm24.

gift-devel.i386 extras
Matched from:
Headers and library files for gift
Headers and library files for gift.

libglademm24-devel.i386 2.6.3-2.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Headers for developing programs that will use libglademm.
This package contains the headers that programmers will need to
develop applications which will use libglademm, part of GTKmm, the C++
interface to the GTK+.

kadu-devel.i386 0.5.0-0.9.20060915svn. extras
Matched from:
Development headers for Kadu
Develpoment headers for Kadu.

sylpheed-claws-plugins-fetchinfo.i386 2.5.2-3.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Inserts headers containing some download information
This plugin inserts headers containing some download information:
UIDL, Sylpheeds account name, POP server, user ID and retrieval time.

libtunepimp-devel.i386 0.5.2-3.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Headers for developing programs that will use libtunepimp
Headers for developing programs that will use libtunepimp.

perl-Email-MIME-ContentType.noarch 1.011-1.fc5 extras
Matched from:
This module is responsible for parsing email content type headers
according to section 5.1 of RFC 2045. It returns a hash as above, with
entries for the discrete type, the composite type, and a hash of

ufsparse-devel.i386 2.1.1-1.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Development headers and files for UFSparse

perl-Email-Simple.noarch 1.995-1.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Simple parsing of RFC2822 message format and headers

perl-Email-MIME.noarch 1.855-1.fc5 extras
Matched from:
This is an extension of the Email:confused smileyimple module, to handle MIME
encoded messages. It takes a message as a string, splits it up
into its constituent parts, and allows you access to various
parts of the message. Headers are decoded from MIME encoding.

sylpheed-claws-plugins-fetchinfo.i386 2.5.2-4.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Inserts headers containing some download information
This plugin inserts headers containing some download information:
UIDL, Sylpheeds account name, POP server, user ID and retrieval time.

ntfs-3g-devel.i386 1:0-0.3.20070920.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Headers and libraries for developing applications that use ntfs-3g

kst-devel.i386 1.3.1-1.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Development libraries and headers for kst
Headers and libraries required when building against kst.

ntfsprogs-devel.i386 1.13.1-3.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Headers and libraries for libntfs

pulseaudio-devel.i386 0.9.5-2.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Headers and libraries for PulseAudio server module development
Headers and libraries for developing modules for the PulseAudio sound server.

pulseaudio-lib-devel.i386 0.9.5-2.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Headers and libraries for PulseAudio client development
Headers and libraries for developing applications that can communicate with
a PulseAudio sound server.

ntfs-3g-devel.i386 1:0-0.4.20070920.fc5 extras
Matched from:
Headers and libraries for developing applications that use ntfs-3g

libtheora.i386 1.0alpha5-1.2.1 installed
Matched from:
Theora is Xiph.Org's first publicly released video codec, intended
for use within the Ogg's project's Ogg multimedia streaming system.
Theora is derived directly from On2's VP3 codec; Currently the two are
nearly identical, varying only in encapsulating decoder tables in the
bitstream headers, but Theora will make use of this extra freedom
in the future to improve over what is possible with VP3.

spamassassin.i386 3.1.7-36.fc5.at installed
Matched from:
SpamAssassin provides you with a way to reduce if not completely eliminate
Unsolicited Commercial Email (SPAM) from your incoming email. It can
be invoked by a MDA such as sendmail or postfix, or can be called from
a procmail script, .forward file, etc. It uses a genetic-algorithm
evolved scoring system to identify messages which look spammy, then
adds headers to the message so they can be filtered by the user's mail
reading software. This distribution includes the spamd/spamc components
which create a server that considerably speeds processing of mail.

To enable spamassassin, if you are receiving mail locally, simply add
this line to your ~/.procmailrc:

To filter spam for all users, add that line to /etc/procmailrc
(creating if necessary).

glibc-kernheaders.i386 3.0-5.2 installed
Matched from:
glibc-kernheaders comprend les fichiers d'en-tête C qui spécifient l'interface
entre le noyau Linux et les bibliothèques et programmes utilisateur. Les
fichiers d'en-tête définissent les structures et constantes nécessaires
au développement de la plupart des programmes standard de même que
pour la reconstruction du paquetage glibc.

sharutils.i386 4.6.1-1.2 installed
Matched from:
The sharutils package contains the GNU shar utilities, a set of tools
for encoding and decoding packages of files (in binary or text format)
in a special plain text format called shell archives (shar). This
format can be sent through e-mail (which can be problematic for regular
binary files). The shar utility supports a wide range of capabilities
(compressing, uuencoding, splitting long files for multi-part
mailings, providing checksums), which make it very flexible at
creating shar files. After the files have been sent, the unshar tool
scans mail messages looking for shar files. Unshar automatically
strips off mail headers and introductory text and then unpacks the
shar files.

Install sharutils if you send binary files through e-mail.

glibc-headers.i386 2.4-11 installed
Matched from:
Le paquetage glibc-headers contient les fichiers d'en-tête nécessaires au
développement de programmes utilisant les bibliothèques standard C
(utilisées par presque tous les programmes). Si vous développez des
programmes qui utiliseront les bibliothèques standard C, votre système
doit disposer de ces fichiers d'en-tête standard pour créer les fichiers exécutables.

Installez glibc-headers si vous envisagez de développer des programmes qui
utiliseront les bibliothèques standard C.

Poste le Sunday 29 October 2006 09:03:57
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Re: Installer carte graphique nVidia sous Fedora 5
Envoyé par: nicola

Je ne vais pas tout lire (tu aurais pu encadrer ça avec les balises code), tu aurais pu filtrer avec grep `uname -r`, du genre yum search headers|grep `uname -r`.

On ne prête qu’aux riches, et on a bien raison, parce que les autres remboursent difficilement.
-+- Tristan Bernard (1866-1947) -+-

Poste le Sunday 29 October 2006 09:39:49
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Re: Installer carte graphique NVIDIA sous Fedora 5
Envoyé par: Black syphilis

kernel-smp-devel.i586 2.6.18-1.2200.fc5 updates
kernel-devel.i586 2.6.18-1.2200.fc5 updates
kernel-xen-devel.i686 2.6.18-1.2200.fc5 updates
kernel-xen0-devel.i686 2.6.18-1.2200.fc5 updates
kernel-devel.i686 2.6.18-1.2200.fc5 updates
kernel-xenU-devel.i686 2.6.18-1.2200.fc5 updates
kernel-kdump-devel.i686 2.6.18-1.2200.fc5 updates
kernel-smp-devel.i686 2.6.18-1.2200.fc5 updates

Voila les seules choses qui s'affichent lequelle est le bon

Poste le Sunday 29 October 2006 10:24:12
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Re: Installer carte graphique nVidia sous Fedora 5
Envoyé par: nicola

Aucune idée, chez moi sur Debian, le paquet s’appelle linux-headers-2.6.16-2-686-smp. Essaie de chercher les sources à la place.

On ne prête qu’aux riches, et on a bien raison, parce que les autres remboursent difficilement.
-+- Tristan Bernard (1866-1947) -+-

Poste le Sunday 29 October 2006 10:32:37
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Re: Installer carte graphique nVidia sous Fedora 5
Envoyé par: Black syphilis

Bon j'installe c'est deux la :
kernel-smp-devel.i586 2.6.18-1.2200.fc5 updates
kernel-devel.i586 2.6.18-1.2200.fc5 updates

et ensuite je peux tester l'installation des pilote de la carte graphique?

Poste le Sunday 29 October 2006 10:36:19
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Re: Installer carte graphique nVidia sous Fedora 5
Envoyé par: nicola

Essaie toujours, tu vas bien voir.

On ne prête qu’aux riches, et on a bien raison, parce que les autres remboursent difficilement.
-+- Tristan Bernard (1866-1947) -+-

Poste le Sunday 29 October 2006 11:56:23
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Re: Installer carte graphique nVidia sous Fedora 5
Envoyé par: black_syphilis

Ca me met toujours le meme message erreur:

"Error : Unable to find kernel source tree for the currently running kernel. Please make sure you have installed the kernel source files for tour kernel and that they are properly configured; on Red Hat Linux systems, for exemple, be sure you have the kernel-source RPM installed. If you know the correct kernel source files are installed. You may specify the kernel source path with the 'kernel-source-paht' command line option."

Je ne sais pas quoi isntaller de plus si tu a une idée....

Poste le Sunday 29 October 2006 12:23:51
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Re: Installer carte graphique nVidia sous Fedora 5
Envoyé par: nicola

Il n’y a pas de paquet du genre kernel-source-2.6.16-2-686-smp ?

On ne prête qu’aux riches, et on a bien raison, parce que les autres remboursent difficilement.
-+- Tristan Bernard (1866-1947) -+-

Poste le Sunday 29 October 2006 13:04:46
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Re: Installer carte graphique nVidia sous Fedora 5
Envoyé par: Black syphilis

non je ne trouve pas j'ai fais "yum search kernel-source" mais ca a rien donné!

Poste le Sunday 29 October 2006 13:15:57
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Re: Installer carte graphique nVidia sous Fedora 5
Envoyé par: nicola

Il te manque peut-être une source de paquets ?

On ne prête qu’aux riches, et on a bien raison, parce que les autres remboursent difficilement.
-+- Tristan Bernard (1866-1947) -+-

Poste le Sunday 29 October 2006 17:10:28
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Re: Installer carte graphique nVidia sous Fedora 5
Envoyé par: zelaurent


Pourquoi vous vous bagarrez avec yum en ligne de commande ???

Le seul truc a installer en ligne de commande c'est :

yum install yumex

Ensuite dans ton menu systeme tu aura acces aux joies de yumex.

Autre chose pour ta carte nvidia il te faut les 2 packages de chez livna :


tu vas sur le site rpm.livna.org, tu clique sur FC5-i386 et tu recherche le package livna-release-5.rpm

Tu clique dessus pour l'installer ou tu fais un "rpm -i livna-release-5.rpm"

Aprés ca dans yumex tu verras le depot livna (il doit etre coché dans l'onglet depots)

et tu choisis et installes le kmod et xorg qui vont bien.

Yum s'occupera des dependances.

Poste le Sunday 29 October 2006 17:52:52
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Re: Installer carte graphique nVidia sous Fedora 5
Envoyé par: Black syphilis

J'ai un probleme j'ai voulu faire ta manip et enfaite il y a yum qui merde trop:

[root@localhost romain]# yum update
Loading "installonlyn" plugin
Setting up Update Process
Setting up repositories
atrpms [1/8]
[dl.atrpms.net]: [Errno 12] Timeout: <urlopen error timed out>
Trying other mirror.
Cannot open/read repomd.xml file for repository: atrpms
failure: repodata/repomd.xml from atrpms: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.
Error: failure: repodata/repomd.xml from atrpms: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.

que dois je faire?

Poste le Monday 30 October 2006 14:16:18
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