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Vsftpd -> deny_file
Envoyé par: majorxtrem


Je viens de changer de server FTP et je bloque sur la configuration de vsftpd.

Avant j'utilisais proftpd avec dans la config cette ligne

PathAllowFilter \.(jpg|jpeg|avi|png)$

elle avait pour effet de n'autoriser QUE les extension citées

Avec Vsftp c'est le contraire, on doit déclarer les extension bloquées


Comment faire bloquer TOUS sauf certaine extension ?


Poste le Thursday 9 April 2009 02:19:31
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Re: Vsftpd -> deny_file
Envoyé par: gil390


Et bien à priori on ne peut pas; ils conseillent de plutôt utiliser les droits de fichier classiques quoiqu'il en soit.


Poste le Thursday 9 April 2009 09:29:20
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Re: Vsftpd -> deny_file
Envoyé par: EminoMeneko

source : [vsftpd.beasts.org]

MAN vsftpd
This option can be used to set a pattern for filenames (and directory names
etc.) which should not be accessible in any way. The affected items are not
hidden, but any attempt to do anything to them (download, change into
directory, affect something within directory etc.) will be denied. This option is very simple, and should not be used for serious access control - the
filesystem's permissions should be used in preference
. However, this option may be useful in certain virtual user setups. In particular aware that if
a filename is accessible by a variety of names (perhaps due to symbolic
links or hard links), then care must be taken to deny access to all the names.
Access will be denied to items if their name contains the string given by
hide_file, or if they match the regular expression specified by hide_file.
Note that vsftpd's regular expression matching code is a simple implementation
which is a subset of full regular expression functionality. Because of this,
you will need to carefully and exhaustively test any application of this
option. And you are recommended to use filesystem permissions for any
important security policies due to their greater reliability. Supported
regex syntax is any number of *, ? and unnested {,} operators. Regex
matching is only supported on the last component of a path, e.g. a/b/? is
supported but a/?/c is not.
Example: deny_file={*.mp3,*.mov,.private}

Tourne toi peut-être aussi vers la clause hide_file si tu désires cacher les fichiers qui te gênent.

MAN vsftpd
This option can be used to set a pattern for filenames (and directory names
etc.) which should be hidden from directory listings. Despite being hidden,
the files / directories etc. are fully accessible to clients who know what
names to actually use. Items will be hidden if their names contain the string
given by hide_file, or if they match the regular expression specified by
hide_file. Note that vsftpd's regular expression matching code is a simple
implementation which is a subset of full regular expression functionality.
for details of exactly what regex syntax is supported.
Example: hide_file={*.mp3,.hidden,hide*,h?}


Poste le Wednesday 15 April 2009 18:52:59
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Re: Vsftpd -> deny_file
Envoyé par: majorxtrem

Merci pour les infos winking smiley

Poste le Tuesday 5 May 2009 00:20:55
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