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recherche ordinateur pour soutenir école

je cherche ordinateurs pour soutenir une école à Houndé, au Burkina Faso.

Toutes les propositions sont les bienvenues.


Poste le Tuesday 5 February 2008 11:18:43
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Re: recherche ordinateur pour soutenir école + question
Envoyé par: Peter

Dear Mr. Tianka,
excuse me for writing in english, but I had French at school about 35 years ago and I forgot most of it.
Some days ago, I found an old picture of the year 1983, when I was at the Language-School at Uetersen, Northern Germany. We had two class-mates who came from Burkina Fasu: One was Etienne and the other one Kinko Marc , and I met Marc again in 1984 at the ATC School in Kaufbeuren, Bavaria.
When I saw the picture, I remembered theese two nice men and I used GOOGLE - successfully, you see.

Are You that Marc ?

Kind regards from Northern Germany

Poste le Thursday 13 November 2008 23:17:17
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recherche ordinateur pour soutenir école
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