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PamMount et Apache
Envoyé par: quatrys

Pour me connecter à un intranet j'utilise le module AuthPam d'apache et derrière c'est winbind qui fait la liaison avec l'ACTIVE directroy de windows.

Je souhaite dès la connexion monter un disque réseau.

Pour cela j'ai ajouté dans le fichier /etc/security/pam_mount.conf.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE pam_mount SYSTEM "pam_mount.conf.xml.dtd">
        See pam_mount.conf(5) for a description.
                <!-- debug should come before everything else,
                since this file is still processed in a single pass
                from top-to-bottom -->
<debug enable="2" />
<volume user="*" options="uid=%(USER),gid=10000,dir_mode=0700" fstype="cifs" server="SRV60.DOMBS1.PRI" path="dossiers" mountpoint="/home/DOMBS1/%(USER)/srv-60" />
<lsof>/usr/bin/lsof %(MNTPT)</lsof>
                <!-- pam_mount parameters: General tunables -->
<luserconf name=".pam_mount.conf.xml" />
<!-- Note that commenting out mntoptions will give you the defaults.
     You will need to explicitly initialize it with the empty string
     to reset the defaults to nothing. -->
<mntoptions allow="nosuid,nodev,loop,encryption,fsck,nonempty,allow_root,allow_other" />
<mntoptions deny="suid,dev" />
<mntoptions allow="*" />
<mntoptions deny="*" />
<mntoptions require="nosuid,nodev" />
<logout wait="0" hup="0" term="0" kill="0" />
                <!-- pam_mount parameters: Volume-related -->
<mkmountpoint enable="1" remove="true" />

Ma config pam apache2

auth sufficient pam_winbind.so
auth sufficient pam_unix.so use_first_pass
auth required   pam_deny.so
auth    required    pam_unix.so use_first_pass
auth required   pam_mount.so use_first_pass
@include common-auth
@include common-account
@include common-password
@include common-session-noninteractive
@include common-session
@include common-pammount

Mais le disque ne se monte pas. que faut-il faire ?

Voila ce que j'ai dans mes log apache.

Jul  2 09:19:58 srvintranet2 apache2: pam_winbind(apache2:auth): getting password (0x00000000)
Jul  2 09:19:58 srvintranet2 apache2: pam_winbind(apache2:auth): user 'intranet5' granted access
Jul  2 09:19:58 srvintranet2 apache2: pam_winbind(apache2:account): user 'intranet5' granted access

Merci de m'aider.

Poste le Friday 4 July 2014 14:34:00
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PamMount et Apache
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